Over 6 million Europeans are walking with poles – in the cities, out in the country and up in the mountains. Originally Ski Walking with poles and hill bounding with poles were secrets of elite cross country ski racers when deprived of snow during the summer months.
Nordic Walking Poles may be the perfect Holiday gift for someone you know. Nordic Walking Poles are a great low-impact yet highly effective cross trainer for all types of athletes. Nordic Walking Poles are also helping with weight management and are a wonderful complement to weight management class and have proven successful with Weight Watchers and Tops programs. Individuals with knee, hip and back issues have also found success walking with poles – including those with new knees, new hips and even rods in their backs. Nordic Walking poles also help to improve balance and stability – even for those with MS, Parkinson’s, Neuropathy, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, Post Polio and other issues that affect balance and make walking a challenge.
Santa and Scandinavian’s know that one-piece poles are safer, lighter and much more durable than cheap twist-locking adjustable length/telescoping/collapsible poles from China. Once Santa knows how tall you are he will select the perfect length poles for your height.
Perfect length poles help us to automatically walk with a super straight back - better walking posture is biomechanically a good thing. This improved walking posture when combined with the unique 4-Wheel-Drive type action of walking with poles radically reduces the stress to the shins, knees, hips and back. Nordic Walking is low impact and yet provides a highly effective workout - burning more calories and working more muscle groups than regular walking.
For more info about SWIX Nordic Walking Poles from Lillehammer, Norway check them out at WWW.SKIWALKING.COM
Hopefully millions of Americans have Nordic Walking Poles on their Christmas Lists. And hopefully they will ALL get off the couch and start some serious walking in 2009.