Friday, May 29, 2009

Nordic Walking In The Green Mountains

While attending our daughter's graduation from Middlebury College we had time to explore the Green Mountains, the Middlebury College campus and the Bread Loaf Inn/Nordic Center (according to the NEW YORKER - "the oldest and most prestigious writers' conference in the country").

The Bread Loaf Nordic Center's cross country ski trails double as excellent trails for Nordic Walking and Nordic Running spring, summer and fall. The staff at the Bread Loaf Nordic Center groom the trails to perfection during the winter - for both skating technique and classic/diagonal technique.

As expected, our lightweight and user friendly one-piece Nordic Walking Poles dominated on campus and in the mountains. As usual many of the other hikers we met had issues with their cheap-twist locking poles.

One-piece poles are safer, lighter and much more durable than twist-locking adjustable length/telescoping/collapsible poles from China.

One of the highlights of the weekend was the graduation commencement talk given by Gary Hirshberg, president and CEO of Stonyfield Farm (world’s #1 organic yogurt company). The message could not have been better timed for both graduates and those of us in attendance. Green business practices are proving to profitable and are helping to minimize our negative effects on the environment.

At the American Nordic Walking System and WWW.SKIWALKING.COM we take pride in the fact that we utilize recycled paper for all of our printing, for recycling everything we can, for communicating via the internet rather than direct mail, for using the greenest of shipping options with support from the United States Postal Service, for NOT promoting cheap twist-lock poles destined for the landfill and for encouraging more walking and less driving.

Prior to our road trip to Vermont I had the opportunity to host FREE Nordic Walking Clinics at two different Senior Expo Events. All participants had the opportunity to demo REAL Nordic Walking Poles in the sizes appropriate for their heights. ALL poles from The American Nordic Walking System and SKIWALKING.COM are equipped with patented and comfortable Nordic Walking Straps (kind of like a fingerless glove and patented by the Salomon Ski Company). During every class we were interrupted by enthusiastic Nordic Walkers that came up to our classes and stated their positive support for Nordic Walking Poles. Participants both days included individuals with balance issues, knee issues or new knees, hip issues or new hips, back issues (including those with rods in their back), weight issues, multiple sclerosis (MS), parkinson’s disease (PD), neuropathy, arthritis, bursitis, scoliosis, osteoporosis, stroke recovery, cancer recovery and those with other limitations to walking. In all of these cases our user friendly one-piece SWIX and EXEL Nordic poles from SKIWALKING.COM proved to be safe and effective - cheap twist-locking poles with inferior straps could not have provided similar success.

Nordic Walking poles are helping thousands of Americans get off the couch, successfully get outside, start walking safely and effectively launch much needed walking campaigns.

Walking with poles is the best!